TAS for AgriformE - Leonardo da Vinci - Pilot project
TAS for Agriform
Project number: I/04/B/F/PP-154120
Implementation period: 10.2004 - 09.2006
Project description
The project was designed for people involved in agriculture. Its main objectives are to develop an innovative approach to teaching through targeted teaching model, in particular the characteris...
TALAS – Leonardo da Vinci
TALAS – Leonardo da Vinci – Pilot Project
Tourism mAnagement e-LeArning Solution – TALAS
Project number: I-04-B-F-PP-154022
Implementation period: 10.2004 - 09.2006
Project description
The project TALAS promoted innovative e-learning and m-learning by testing new methodologies and new approaches of teaching in vocational training in the field of tourism. The...
SITCOM – Socrates Minerva
SITCOM – Socrates Minerva
Simulating Careers for Women – SITCOM
Project number: 114444-CP-1-2004-1-AT-MINERVA-M
Implementation period: 10.2004 – 09.2006
Project description
The aim of the project was to use the immense possibilities of simulations and games to encourage girls and young women aged 12 to 16 years to start education in fields related to informa...
QUTE – Leonardo da Vinci
QUTE - Leonardo da Vinci - Pilot Project
Quality in Vocational Education - QUTE
Project number: SI/04/B/F/PP-146007
Implementation period: 10.2004 - 09.2006
Project description
The aim of the QUTE project was to create a self-assessment tool dedicated to people associated with education, i.e. teachers, coaches, instructors. It consisted of sets of questionna...
JANUS – Leonardo da Vinci
JANUS – Leonardo da Vinci – Pilot Project
Intercultural dimension for the benefit of vocational training in enterprises – JANUS
Project number: FR/04/B/P/PP-151151
Implementation period: 10.2004 – 09.2007
Project description
The project focused on the aspects of multiculturalism in educational environments. The main objective was to create an online system t...
Immigrants – Socrates Grundtvig 2
Immigrants - Socrates Grundtvig 2
Integration of Immigrants - Towards Better Understanding and Top Quality Education in European Cooperation
Project number:
Implementation period: 08.2004 - 07.2007
Project description
The activities of the project were aimed at supporting the integration of immigrants in the partner countries. In the first year o...