Activity of Danmar Computers in field of Research & Development
Implementation of research and development (R&D) by entities belonging to the private sector sets the latest trends in the practical application of new knowledge components being developed in conjunction with scientists from leading academic centers.
To meet these expectations, the company Danmar Computers regularly conducts R&D, both for their own use as well as a subcontractor tasks assigned by external entities.
The scope of this work is primarily experimental development, which according to the definition specified in the Commission Regulation No 800/2008 of 6 August 2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application. 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption), means the acquiring, combining, shaping and using existing knowledge and skills in the fields of science, technology, business and other relevant knowledge and skills for planning and design for new, altered or improved products processes or services. This work in particular include activities related to the experimental production and testing of products, processes and services, provided that they are not used commercially.
Till today, the company has completed several projects in this group of R&D
- „Performance testing and architecture of distributed database systems in isolated environment (Private Storage Clouds)”. The work included experimental research and development consisting of the design and testing of high-performance file storage system, based on Storage Cloud together with the development of flexible API used for integration with any web-based system. Within the project, different data bases were tested along with files subsystem configuration and the layer responsible for the communication with the system. Various architectures were tested, including distributed systems for individual components of the complete system. In result, a prototype of high-performance file storage system based on Storage Cloud has been described and is now ready for further development. The research was carried out under 1.3 Regional innovation system, Regional Operational System for Podkarpackie Region for 2007-2013, financed by European Regional Development Fund, project number: WND-RPPK.01.03.00-18-056/12. Implementation period: 2013-03.2015.
- “Testing the user interface usability in e-learning courses.” The work included testing different concepts of user interfaces for distribution of learning content and navigation elements. The result of the research conducted was a model of the structure of the interface. Period of implementation: 03.2011-06.2011.
- “Performance analysis and optimization of the distribution of virtual servers in VMware environment”. The work included the configuration of server managing resources and virtual machines and moreover studying the effects of the applied configuration on a guest performance environments. The work was carried out in co-operation with another IT company. The result of the research conducted was a dispatcher configuration of server resources. Period of implementation: 06.2011-12.2011.
- “The functionality of the implemented proprietary technology in web applications”. The work focused on the development of proprietary technologies used in functional programming web applications through their study, which was not, however, associated with the commercialization of the results, or did not serve to commercialize these technologies. These studies served to broaden the scientific and technical knowledge. The work was carried out in co-operation with another IT company. The result of the research conducted was a model of the functionality of the implemented technologies in web applications offered by the company. Period of implementation: 09.2011-12.2011.
The results are now the basis for the further development of information systems offered by Danmar Computers.
Apart from the above mentioned R&D projects there were carried out numerous R&D activities performed on behalf of other entities. As part of these activities was to include:
- development of a plan for a system of incremental and comprehensive data backup for computer workers from experimental entity;
- implementation of the plan a virtualized environment including high availability and migration of virtual machines over time.