PRINT STEM – meeting in Rzeszów

On 12 and 13 January 2016, at the premises of Danmar company (Rzeszów), the fourth meeting of PrintStem project’s partners took place. All the partners’ organizations participated in the meeting. PrintStem project aims at promoting the use of innovative technologies in teaching science. The innovation here is the implementation of 3D printers, that is being realized in partn...

PLUR>E – First meeting

The first meeting of the PLUR>E  project partners took place on 3 and 4 December 2015. The project partners from seven European countries: Austria, Finland, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Poland and Turkey met at the Institute of Technology Tralee (Ireland). The main objective of the PLUR>E project is implementation of whole-school multilingualism policy in schools participatin...

Beginning of CES&L project

In the third week of December, a first CES&L project meeting took place in Berlin. During a two-day meeting, participants have worked on a detailed work plan for the following months, giving special attention to the research phase among students, higher education employees and employers. Within the project a workbook focusing on upskilling language students will be elaborat...

e-Cal – First meeting

First meeting under the e-Cal project was held on 10th and 11th of December 2015. Apart from becoming acquainted with other participants, discussing the project work and deciding on specific tasks to complete in the coming months, partners had a chance to see impressive laboratories at the school of graphics and multimedia, in which the meeting was held. The students of this sc...

I Dig Stories new logo

Specially for "I Dig Stories" new logo was designed in few color versions. Here there are two most used versions:     Do you want to get other news? Go to project website:

EntrInno – Kick-off meeting in Malta

The first meeting in the EntrInno project - Online Game for Entrepreneurship and Innovation was held in Malta on 23-24 November 2015. EntrInno project is addressed to young adults (aged 18 – 35). In effect of project implementation, educational on-line game will be created. This game will serve the development of entrepreneurial and leadership skills as well as innovation, c...

I Dig Stories – kick off meeting

First partners meeting of project "I Dig Stories" took place 27 October 2015 in Genova in Italy. It took two days. During the meeting every of partners had a chance to present themselves before others. It has been agreed some organizational issues like choosing tool for project partners communication tool. For more information please visit project website http://idigstories....

ACE – Kick-off meeting in Liverpool

The first meeting in the frame of ACE Project - Developing Adult Educators' Competences to Promote Learners' Life Style Entrepreneurship was held in Liverpool on 5th – 6th November 2015. ACE project relates to adult education and employment in Europe. It refers to the idea of Europe 2020 strategic objective to increase employment rate by 75% in the European Union, and at the...

The implementation of the 3D printing technology in education

printstem logo
On the implementation of Print Stem project, we are following news on 3D printing and the possibilities of its implementation. In doing so we particularly focus on using 3D printers as an educational tool.  In Poland projects are being implemented, within with educational institutions (schools, libraries, culture centers) are equipped with 3D printers. With the possibilities of...