The final partnership meeting within Print Stem project took place on 15th of June in Parma, Italy. On the first day, representatives of partners organisations, met for the last time at the premises of Cisita organisation to sum up their work and findings and to discuss things still to be done in the project.
During the meeting all points in the agenda were covered, that is the final report, and dissemination of the project, partners shared the ideas on new programmes to be implemented in teaching STEM subjects. There was also a discussion on platforms to publish their experiments and 3d models, and most partners agreed to use Thingiverse for that purpose. Last part of the meeting covered the summary of all the partners’ work in the project and planning for the final conference. The conference was held the next day at magnificent conference room at the premises of Parma Manufacturers Association. Over 50 people attended the conference, with project leader summarising all that has been done; project partners explaining their involvement, experiences and results; professors of Parma University, that are interested in the project, as they are advocates of 3d printing technology and two serious entrepreneurs (Beam-It and Dallara Automotive), that are into 3d printing and using the technology already. Very attractive and captivating point of the conference was a presentation given by dr. Thomasso Ghidini, Head of the Materials Section in European Space Agency, who talked about the importance of 3d printers in exploration of space.
All the participants including schools, enterprises and policy makers were very impressed by the project results, agreed on the importance of 3d printing technology and expressed willingness to carry out similar projects in the future.

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