Dear All,
We are pleased to inform you that within GOLIC project the next result was developed. In the frame of the project we collected 60 good examples of practices from 5 different partners from different EU countries. However we can easily say that these practices not only interest the guide in Europe but also the guide in the whole World. Because while reading them you can find some events, some tips and some people from different countries in the World. This piece of work, which you can read in a trice, offers lots of tips for our target group, tourist guides. It also includes lots of valuable experience and stories for them. Tourist guides often have to deal with the need to provide services to tourists coming from different countries, cultures and religions. Representatives of the target group, said that the worst sin that can be committed in their profession is to treat every tourist similarly. Too large openness as compared to tourists from Scandinavia may be seen as improper by them. On the other hand, large personal proximity can be seen by them as unfriendly behaviour to the tourists from the region of the Mediterranean Sea. It is only the first example taken from their work experience.
The publication was evaluated by the external evaluator in the field of quality and adaptation to the target audience and the easy of transfer. Partners evaluated each other’s cases in pairs, as they were created. The template were identical for each of the partners. At the beginning, a draft version had been prepared, then after all the partners agreed, the ultimate template was delivered. Then, partners transferred descriptions of good practices to the prepared template. GED was the author of the template and other partners took an advisory role in the whole process.
At the moment of obtaining the evaluated version (internally and externally) each of the partners translated the entire collection to national languages and tried to distribute it among the target group. Collection of good practices from countries around the partnership was designed to help target group to understand the fundamental differences between tourists. Each good practice have a unified structure. The document contains additional sections (dos and don’ts), which includes what travel guides should do or shouldn’t, for example: plan everything before the tour and always have plan B in any case; take the way where you can get some drinks and have a rest; speak slowly – give visitors a chance to translate what you have said into their own language; listen actively – by hearing what your client is saying you can better meet their needs (and can also learn something from them); be patient, friendly and relaxed; You must know at least one foreign language very well; always give clear information avoid any misunderstanding; do not use slang; rephrase what you said if you were not understood; do not raise your voice to people who do not understand you – it is usually because of language difficulties, not hearing problems; avoid talking about religion, politics and sex (unless it is necessary for the tour), visitors may have strong views or be sensitive about these topics.
Please find more information on project website:
Changing lives. Opening minds.
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.