SPREAD – Workshops in Portugal

At the beginning of March, three representatives of our company had a pleasure to take part in a 5-day long training organised in the framework of SPREAD project. Less than a week in the capital of Portugal passed in a very friendly atmosphere. The programme of the workshops had been well designed and covered the topics connected with preparing and managing of the mobility o...

Kick-off meeting in Turkey

On 22nd and 23rd of February, 2016 in Turkey, the first meeting within the project NEO-COL – Navigational Equipment Oriented COLregs Training, was held. The meeting was hosted by the Turk Loydu, which is also the project coordinator. The NEO-COL project will close this skills gap between the world of work and the world of education, by identifying the differences between the...

Mall Guide – third partners meeting

On 16 and 17 of February, Mall Guide partners met for the third time in Hemel Hempstead (UK). The meeting was hosted by Community Action Dacorum. The project is at its final stage, with almost all results developed. During the meeting much of the time was allocated to the last result, which is a Final Guidebook, that will aid second language teachers in using innovative teachin...

YEP! – The next meeting of project partners

On 8th and 9th February, in the capital of France took place the second meeting of partners in the YEP! Project, aimed at young entrepreneurs (mentors) and elderly people experiencing the effects of long-term unemployment. Together with the host of the meeting - e-Seniors association - the representatives of the partners discussed the main objectives of the project to be implem...

VALITS – kick-off meeting in Saalfelden

At the end of January we had the pleasure to participate in a kick-off meeting within VALITS project that deals with phenomenon of seasonality and related periodic unemployment in the tourism industry. The meeting took place in Saalfelden (Austria) near Salzburg. The meeting was held in a very friendly atmosphere. During two days various tasks to be undertaken were discussed...

BOSS4SME – Kick off meeting

On 2 February 2017, in Barcelona (Spain), all of the ten partners in BOSS4SME project met for the first time. The meeting was hosted in the headquarter of CENFIM (CENTRE DE DIFUSIO TECNOLOGICA DE LA FUSTA I DEL MOBLE) – the wood and furniture technology centre of Catalonia which is a project’s coordinator. The representatives presented their organisations’ profiles and their ro...

First partners meeting withing Teach-D project.

On 17 January 2017, in Flensburg (Germany), all of the ten partners in Teach-D project met for the first time. The meeting was hosted in the headquarter of ECMI (European Centre for Minority Issues) – project’s coordinator. The representatives presented their organisations’ profiles and their roles in the project. Main issues raised during the kick-off meeting were the finan...

The “Total Business Plants” project was recently launched in Volos!

Funded under the European framework of Erasmus+ the project titled: "Innovative Integrated Training in Healing Plants" [Total Business Plants] was officially started in the premises of University of Thessaly in Volos on 16th of November. The "Total Business Plants" project is applied in the Key Action 2: Cooperation for Innovation & the Exchange of Good Practices of ...

BICAS – training for staff implementing the project in Granada (Spain)

Within the BICAS project (Building intercultural competencies for ambulance services) from 12th to 16th December this year, in Granada (Spain), the staff joint event training took place. This training was organized by Spanish project partner - Andalucía Acoge, and all other partners took part in it: Die Johanniter and Wisamar (Germany), JOFAG (Austria), Euro Project Lab (Italy)...