BICAS – training for staff implementing the project in Granada (Spain)

Within the BICAS project (Building intercultural competencies for ambulance services) from 12th to 16th December this year, in Granada (Spain), the staff joint event training took place. This training was organized by Spanish project partner – Andalucía Acoge, and all other partners took part in it: Die Johanniter and Wisamar (Germany), JOFAG (Austria), Euro Project Lab (Italy) and Danmar Computers (Poland).

For five days, the participants jointly explored issues of interculturalism, and were learning about this subject, both theoretically as well as by doing practical tasks. Workshops, exercises, lectures and study visits enabled to systematize and deepen the knowledge needed to implement nearly three-year project aimed at supporting staff ambulances in the area of intercultural competences. The study visits proved to be very helpful because they enabled the representatives of the invited organizations to present developed models of intercultural support for medical assistants, who provide help for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.

During the workshop part of the training, participants discussed a structure frame of the training course, along with its necessary elements based on the acquired knowledge. The program of staff training, its character and the methods used, helped to develop better understanding of the tasks planned within the project.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.