On 16 and 17 of February, Mall Guide partners met for the third time in Hemel Hempstead (UK). The meeting was hosted by Community Action Dacorum. The project is at its final stage, with almost all results developed. During the meeting much of the time was allocated to the last result, which is a Final Guidebook, that will aid second language teachers in using innovative teaching methods and ICT tools. The guidebook will be ready by the end of June and will combine all previously developed outcomes. Partners also shared the experiences from the multiplier events they held, and agreed that the project is very well perceived by both language trainers and learners. The participants, who took part in multiplier events appreciated our work and found the results very helpful. Partners also discussed issues concerning dissemination, evaluation and sustainability of the project. The next and the last meeting will be held in Rzeszów (Poland), in July, 2017.
Mall Guide – third partners meeting
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.