T-Box – first partnership meeting

At the beginning of November in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, took place the first partner meeting as part of the T-Box project. Partners from Bulgaria, Portugal, Germany, Spain and Poland participated in it. The meeting started with greeting all partners by the representatives of partner Sdrudzenie Znam I Moga, then the host presented the plan for the next two days of the me...

Fun@Science – new project concerning 3D printing has just began.

Kick-off meeting within Fun@Science project took place in Portugal (Almada). All the project partners met at the host headquarter, that is a complex of schools of Emidio Navarra. After presentation of the school and all the project partners, time came to present the idea of the project, discuss finance and management issues. Coordinator also presented an exemplary logo of the p...

Healthnic project kick-off meeting

Nowadays we pay more attention to what we eat, choosing not only tasty food, but with high nutritional value. Eating habits pay an important role in our lives, regardless the age, sex, culture or social situation. The Healthnic project will focus on improving and extending the awareness of eating habits among a specific social group, i.e. immigrants and the unemployed. The f...

Vocal in Need – Kick-off meeting in Tralee

The first meeting in the project Vocationally Orientated Culture and Language in Need – Vocal in Need  was held in Tralee on 23rd – 24th October 2017. Vocal in Need project implies the transfer of innovation from the VOCAL-Medical project (2014-2016), related to language and cultural learning in vocational contexts, to a new vocational area, namely the security sector. It ta...

FFS – The third partner meeting in the Floury Food Safety project

The third meeting in the FFS project was held in Maribor (Slovenia) on 18-19 October 2017. It concerned food production issues, including in particular flour products. The meeting was organized at the Faculty of Art of the University of Maribor at the "Eco-Remedial Center", which deals with the improvement of agricultural production. On the first day, Partners discussed issu...

S.P.R.E.A.D. – 4th LTTA

Joint Staff Training Event: “ICT tools for the management of European Projects”, 16th-20th October, Rzeszow, Poland. The 4th Joint Staff Training event in the Erasmus+ KA2 project: S.P.R.E.A.D.– Sharing good Practices for European Mobility Activities Development (2016-1-IT01-KA202 -005504), was hosted by project partner Danmar Computers in October 2017. All partners met in Rze...

CodeIT – First meeting within CodeIT project

The meeting was held in Nikosia (Cyprus), on 12th and 13th November, 2017. CodeIT project is a new initiative, aiming at improving programming and algorithmic skills among teachers of subjects other than IT. The coordinator of the project is Wszechnica, from Krosno (Poland), other partners are Danmar Computers, COIN from Cyprus, and schools from Italy, Romania and Latvia. Th...

3rd partners meeting within 3DP project

On 19th and 20th October 2017, partners of 3DP project met in Rzeszów (Poland) to evaluate the already accomplished results and plan their future activities. The meeting, hosted by Danmar, started with the presentations of tasks carried out by all the project partners, including the development of intellectual outputs, project promotion and management. In terms of project re...

LTTA training within SAFE project

As part of SAFE project, a meeting entitled “Blended mobility for adult learners” was held on Tenerife, Spain, at 9-14 October, 2017. During the training, the completed the following activities: Active use of technology in teaching/learning Mobile applications development Assessment and evaluation of mobile applications In addition to these activities, a range of ...

Project final meeting and the conference

On October 12th, the EntrInnO final conference took place at the University of Nicosia, with great success. All partners travelled to Cyprus for the event and for the project’s final meeting. During the conference, the project and its Intellectual Outputs were presented. Certainly, the highlight of the sessions was the presentation of the EntrInnO game. During the sessions, ...