CodeIT – First meeting within CodeIT project

The meeting was held in Nikosia (Cyprus), on 12th and 13th November, 2017. CodeIT project is a new initiative, aiming at improving programming and algorithmic skills among teachers of subjects other than IT.

The coordinator of the project is Wszechnica, from Krosno (Poland), other partners are Danmar Computers, COIN from Cyprus, and schools from Italy, Romania and Latvia. The meeting started with the project presentation, with the main focus put on intellectual outputs and the related tasks. Next, the effective rules concerning project management, reporting and activities involving dissemination, evaluation, monitoring or quality control, were presented and discussed.

Partners agreed that the project is very ambitious, and at the same time, interesting and needed.

Next meeting within the project was planned for March 2018. It will be a training organized in Italy.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.