Godzenie życia zawodowego i rodzinnego

Współpraca międzysektorowa na rzecz godzenia życia zawodowego i rodzinnego w oparciu o modele współpracy i narzędzia z Wielkiej Brytanii Numer projektu: POWR.04.03.00-IP.07-00-001/15 Czas realizacji: 01.09.2016 – 31.08.2018 Opis projektu Głównym celem realizacji projektu było wypracowanie i wdrożenie nowych rozwiązań i instrumentów, opartych na narzędziach i ...

Ready to work – Go!

Ready to work - Go! Individual and complex professional activation of young people up to 24 years of age (NEET) Project number: WND-POWR.01.02.02-18-0177/15 Implementation period: 01/01/2016 - 31/05/2017 Project description This project was aimed at young unemployed, aged 15 – 24, living in Podkarpackie Province (known as NEET), including the disabled. The m...

Private Storage Clouds – RPO WP

Private Storage Clouds - RPO WP Research on performance and architecture of distributed data storage systems in isolated environment (Private Storage Clouds) Project number: WND-RPPK.01.03.00-18-056/12 Implementation period: 01.2013 - 03.2015 Project description The main goal of the project was to conduct research in order to identify the set of features whi...

AP in Österreich – Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme

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AP in Österreich – Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme Export of Admin Project system on the Austrian market Project number: II/FPLE/40 Implementation period: 01.2014 - 06.2014 Project description The main aim of the project was to start exporting project management system AdminProject on the Austrian market. The project included: development of a strategy to...

PWP – Human Capital 8.1.1

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PWP-Adaptation of English solutions – Human Capital 8.1.1 PWP-Adaptation of English solutions and development of competencies as a chance for Podkarpackie’s Entrepreneurs Project number: WND-POKL.08.01.01-18-011/13 Implementation period: 01.2014 – 04.2015 Project description The main objective of the project was to increase the adaptability and competitivene...

Helping hand – Human Capital 7.2.1

Helping hand – PO KL 7.2.1 Helping hand- guidance, training and actions against exclusion Project number: WND-POKL.07.02.01-18-072/12 Implementation period: 04.2013 – 09.2014 Project description The main aim of the project was acquiring knowledge and skills which are essential in eliminating the risk of social exclusion due to unemployment among the people i...

Mobilny e-learning – Swiss-Polish Cooperation Program

Mobilny e-learning - Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union Development of export of e-learning technologies supported by mobile devices in the UK market in Danmar Computers Project number: I/FPLE/17 Implementation period: 01.2013 - 12.2013 Project description The aim of the project was to enable the start of the export business in the UK market f...

Paszport do eksportu – phase II – PO IG

Paszport do eksportu – phase II – PO IG 6.1 Implementation of Danmar Computers export strategy in the UK Project number: WND-POIG.06.01.00-18-001/11 Implementation period: 08.2011 - 07.2013 Project description The aim of the project was the implementation of the Export Development Plan containing a strategy for starting export business in the UK market. This...

Bon na innowacje 2012

Bon na innowacje 2012 Bon na innowacje 2012 The development of information technology applications used to extend the functionality of Web-based project management systems to support mobile devices Project number: BNI/18/0347/12 Implementation period: 07.2012 - 09.2012 Project description The aim of the project was the purchase of consultancy services for the...