Generativity – the first partnership meeting is already behind us!

First partners’ meeting within Generativity project took place on 3rd and 4th of October 2016. The project partners from seven European countries – Belgium, Poland, Greece, Cyprus, France, Great Britain and Italy, met in Torino (Italy). The main aim of Generativity project is to increate competences of the individual people in term of designing and implementing effective and we...

IPool – Meeting in Arad

At the end of September 2016, a kick-off meeting took place in Arad (Romania) in the IPool project which aims at creating an Interactive Pool collecting existing open educational resources addressed to low-skilled adults. During the meeting, all partners discussed in details aims of the project together with its upcoming phases. A great impact was put on discussing the resea...

MALL Guide – Meeting in Sofia

On the 28th and 29th of September in Sofia (Bulgaria), third meeting within Mall Guide project took place. The meeting was hosted by Runi Center. On the first day partners shared their observations on the process of creation and quality of methodological and technical report of 100 free online language tools (IO2 and IO3), as well as on the implementation of the chosen tools in...

InMinds – Meeting in Berlin

On 26th of September, representatives of Danmar Computers took part in a next meeting from InMinds project, which took part in Berlin. During the meeting, partners from five European companies summarised the overall progress of work, however the main topic of discussions was the willingness to tailor the project to even a greater extent to the specific requirements of its targe...

Total Business Plant – the herbal industry In Poland

Due to the implementation of Total Business Plant (Innovative Integrated Training in Healing Plants Business) project, financed by European Commission, within the Erasmus+ program, we constantly follow new trends and important events in the herbal industry. As can be observed throughout the world, there is an increasing intake of herbs, and Poland is becoming a considerate play...

IDigStories – workshops

The workshops of IDigStories project took place in Rzeszow on 9-11.08.2016. Main objective of this workshops was to create a short video about one of the life story of each participant. Workshops were divided to 3 steps. First step was to describe a story and selecting a photos. Then by reading their stories, participants were able to record the sound needed for the last ste...

The second issue of MALL Guide newsletter is available

We present the 2nd issue of newsletter prepared within the MALLGuide – The MALL Guidebook for Language Teachers. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The fourth issue of GOLIC GUIDE newsletter is available

GOLIC logo
We present the 4th issue of newsletter prepared within the ,,Guide to linguistic competence for tourist guides and tour leaders”. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be...

CES&L – Meeting in Rzeszów

In the second half of June we had a pleasure to host CES&L project partners. Two days of intensive work focussed mainly on the analysis of the research that had been conducted for the past few months. The common report allowed to investigate in details real requirements put in front of those entering the labour market, and additionally to give an initial shape of workshops ...

The first issue of EntrInno newsletter is available

We present the 1st issue of newsletter prepared within the EntrInno – Online Game for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.