3rd LTTA training within project SPREAD in Vienna.

From 24th to 28th of July, the representatives of SPREAD project partners, have been hosted in a magnificent city of Vienna (Austria) by - 3S. The main subject of the project being the mobility, during this LTTA training, the partnership decided to focus on issues related to recognition and validation of the qualifications achieved within mobility projects. The first day of ...

FFS project – third partners’ meeting.

Third meeting within FFS project was held in Reggio Emilia, a beautiful city in Emilia-Romania – a region, where, 220 years ago, Polish national anthem “Mazurek Dąbrowskiego” was played for the first time. Topics for discussion were plenty. Partners shared the foregoing research results and evaluated workshops, that were organized within the project. Next step of the research, ...

TRUSTvGLP – partnership meeting in Riga

Although the capital of Latvia cannot be considered as the warmest place in Europe, representatives of our institution were warmly welcomed at the two-day partnership meeting within TRUSTvGLP project that took place at the turn of June and July. Apart from administrative issues, the main discussion was carried around the on-line platform created within the project and equipp...


We invite you to view the BOSS4SME project presentation that demonstrates the project assumptions, as well as the activities planned for implementation. The presentation also includes links to all partners’ websites. We encourage to download the presentation by clicking: download. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publicatio...

Second meeting within BOSS4SME project.

On 7th of July, partners of BOSS4SME project met for the second time in Rzeszów (Poland) to discuss the project’s progress and set responsibilities and actions leading to an effective completion of the results. The meeting began with the summary of technical work plan and progress of the realization of first project’s result, that is “Online Sales Manager” including Needs valid...

Great learning experience within YEP project.

The representatives of Danmar Computers took part in a short training course (LTTA), organized within YEP project. The training was organized and hosted by University of Thessaly, in Volos (Greece), from 3rd to 7th July 2017. The host of the training did an excellent job by providing best learning and cultural experience. The project is about mentoring in the subject of entrepr...

LTTA Training within SAFE project.

On 3rd of July, 2017, 9 representatives of the project partners from Portugal, Spain and Turkey, came to Rzeszów for an LTTA training. The program covered 5 days of intensive learning activities. The first session started on Tuesday, 4th of July, with the discussion on the selection of good practices and best app contest. On the second day, the participants learned on differ...

Final meeting within Mall Guide project.

On 3rd and 4th July, in Rzeszów (Poland), partners of Mall Guide project met for the last time to summarise their work. The meeting was hosted by Danmar Computers. Mall Guide project aimed at helping language teachers/trainers to improve their ICT skills. Project partners did great job by collecting and analyzing 100 online learning tools, showing how to implement them into ...

I-POOL – The second issue od I-POOL newsletter is available

We present the 2nd issue of newsletter prepared within the I-POOL project. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

LTTA on the Syros island (Greece) in the framework of the project Generativity: manage it!

On 12th  - 16th  June 2017 on the island of Syros in Greece training for employees was held. The training consisted of five modules designed to empower the learning responsibility and autonomy in the project management of staff and learners. The modules concern the following subjects: Financial & programmatic priorities of the EU2020 strategy within various programs...