The implementation of the 3D printing technology in education

On the implementation of Print Stem project, we are following news on 3D printing and the possibilities of its implementation. In doing so we particularly focus on using 3D printers as an educational tool.  In Poland projects are being implemented, within with educational institutions (schools, libraries, culture centers) are equipped with 3D printers. With the possibilities of 3D printers, we can find almost infinite number of their applications. One of the examples was the work “ Polish folk art in the language of new technologies” by Basia Dżaman, a student of School of Form in Poznań. Inspired by the old crafts (embroidery popular in Wielkopolska region), a fully operating technology was created, that enables robot KUKA, building structures from fiber (carbon, glass or Kevlar) in resign. The program generating the robot’s path is fully flexible. Entering any data in the support structure, creates a new unique design. Tools used by the robot are printed in 3D. Another example is the University of Zielona Góra, that purchased a 3D printer for its students. Its nozzles have already created miniature versions of a knee and a jaw. But these are just the beginnings, students are preparing themselves to 3D print arm bones, which are going to be implanted in the body of a disabled person. It is nice to hear about that kind of experiments as they show how important are our own experiments (idea, design, model, product) in achieving our aims.

More information on Print Stem project and 3D printers in education on the project’s website


Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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