The third partnership meeting in the START-IN project was held 9-10 October, 2018 in Jyvaskyla, Finland, hosted by JAMK University of Applied Sciences. Representatives from all partnering organisations attended the meeting.
On the day of arrival, participants had the chance to visit educational institutions and experience school environments. These visits included the entrepreneurship centre of excellence of the JAMK University – Tiimiakatemia, primary schools for students age 7 to 15 – Kuokkala and Mankola, Jyvaskyla Business and Innovation Factory – Yritystehdas, and the National YES entrepreneurship education network.
The first meeting day started with a discussion on project management, then concentrating on the beta version of training modules on inclusive and innovative entrepreneurship education, which led to the assessment and finalization of the output. The last part of the day was focused on the presentation of the concept of the mobile instructional learning APP.
The second meeting day was devoted to a detailed presentation of the multilingual e-learning platform to be developed with the contribution of all project partners. Afterwards, partners discussed evaluation and quality management, finally moving on to the activities related to works on the guide for developing an inclusive and innovative entrepreneurship education model in Europe.
Partnership finished the third transnational meeting with the agreement of task deadlines, division of roles and acceptance of next meeting dates. The START IN partnership will next meet in February 2018 in Chania, Greece, for a training session. By that time the project app and platform will be created, ready for testing.
More on the project: