START IN – Developing inclusive and innovative entrepreneurship education in Europe
Project number: 2017-1-TR01-KA201-046635
Implementation period: 01.09.2017 – 31.08.2020
Assistance program: Erasmus+

Project description

The aim of the START IN project is to design and develop a new model of entrepreneurship education in schools in Europe, boosting social innovation and social entrepreneurial skills in young people. To do so, an alliance of 20 local and regional school authorities, universities and learning provider organizations in the field of social entrepreneurship from 7 countries (Finland, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Poland, Turkey and United Kingdom) will work together to lead the project and co-create and test the following innovative freely accessible OER methods:

  • A European EQF-based Curriculum (IO1) and a set of Training Modules (IO2) on Inclusive and Innovative Entrepreneurship Education (IIEE)
  • An innovative Mobile Instructional Learning APPs (IO3) to train school teachers and educators to use and design Mobile Learning APPs (IO5) with their students on IIEE.
  • A Multilingual e-learning platform (IO4), with innovative e-Learning courses and OER on IIEE.
  • A Guide (IO5) with recommendations to mainstream of IIEE in Europe

Project website:


Manisa Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu – Manisa, Turkey
Instituto para el fomento del desarrollo y la formacion S.L– Valladolid, Spain
Jyvaskylan Ammattikorkeakoulu – JYVASKYLA, Finland
Directorate of Secondary Education, Chania- Chania, Greece
Cork Institute Of Technology – Cork, Ireland
Danmar Computers Sp. z o.o. – Rzeszów, Poland
Coventry University – Coventry, United Kingdom
Zabala Innovation Consulting S.A. – Mutilva alta navarra, Spain

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.