IT in our region

Our company is one of many companies working in IT in Subcarpathian area. Some time ago media passed on a breaking news, that while indeed there were job offers for IT specialists, there were no suitable employees. What is the truth?Last week, 26th of February, Subcarpathian Job Fairs were organised. Among many exhibitors, there was a stand from Klaster IT that we belong to. Th...

MEDILINGUA – third partner meeting

The third transnational meeting under project MEDILINGUA- Advancing Vocational Competences in Foreign Languages for Paramedics (2013-1-PL1-LEO05-37769) was held on the 10th and 11th of February 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Representatives of all the partner organizations participated in the meeting. Partners spent much of the meeting's time discussing the efficiency of the first tr...

VOCAL-Medical enters its second year!

VOCAL-Medical project entered its second year of development. Around that time, all partners met in the beginning of January 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey, to summarise the work carried out so far and to outline a schedule for the coming months. Project meeting was a great opportunity to present the main results, namely two platforms, developed by Danmar Computers. One of them is a ...

PRINT STEM – meeting in Italy

PRINT STEM stands for Pedagogical Resources in Teaching Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and is the latest Erasmus+ project that Danmar is participating in.On January 22-23, 2015, IISS A.Berenini hosted the kick-off meeting in a small picturesque town of in Fidenza, Italy. The meeting's aim was to introduce all participating partners to each other and to the projec...

KEYCOACH – meeting in Rzeszow

At the end of January 2015, partners in KEYCOACH project gathered in Rzeszów (Poland) for the penultimate partner meeting. The meeting had been planned for three days, as matters of the project were not the only reason for hosting the meeting.The majority of the time was devoted to a training of trainers for the KEYCOACH programme. The training workshops were conducted by Susan...

Medilingua – The Second Project National Dissemination Workshop in Germany

The Second Project National Dissemination Workshop in Germany was held at the Akkon-Hochschule (Berlin), and was attended by qualified paramedics from different areas. The participants tried out the first unit which includes audio tracks prepared by one of the partnership organisation from UK. Lot of feedback from participants will help us to further improve the platform.More i...

GOLIC GUIDE – Newsletter #1

The first issue of GOLIC GUIDE newsletter is available for download. For further information please visit the project website and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.Changing lives. Opening minds. Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the c...

Newsletter #4 – MEDILINGUA

application pdf
Fourth  issue of our newsletter created within the MEDILINGUA project is now available.For more information please visit the project website: project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may b...

GOLIC GUIDE – meeting in Rzeszow, Poland

Our kick off meeting took place in Rzeszów, (Poland) on 6th and 7th of November 2014 and was held in a friendly atmosphere.The upcoming tasks and their schedule were established. Partners have the opportunity to get better acquainted and exchange experiences from previous projects. The second day of the meeting kicked off with the discussion on project's administration and mana...

PECOS4SMEs Project successful conclusion

About PECOS4SMEsPECOS4SMEs project delivered high quality e-Commerce training material, reviewed by experts, helping SME's to boost their e-Commerce potential increasing turnover from cross border sales, while reducing their operating costs. By utilizing the PECOS4SMEs training system SMEs now have the opportunity to implement e-Commerce strategies addressing their needs, in or...