Project Results Fair in Warsaw

On the 10th of October 2015, in Warsaw, the National Agency responsible for Erasmus+ Programme organised the Project Results Fair. Danmar Computers was represented by Maciej Markowicz, who is a co-author of numerous international projects. In the first part of the meeting, Agnieszka Wlodarczyk and Iwona Fus presented the essence and role of project results dissemination, as ...

GOLIC GUIDE: Newsletter #2

The second issue of GOLIC GUIDE newsletter is available for download.For further information please visit the project website and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held r...

EPIC – The last meeting in Palermo

At the turn of June and July this year, representatives of project partners met in Palermo (Italy) during the last, two-day meeting organised by an Italian partner - Centro Sviluppo Creativo "Danilo Dolci". The main aim of the project is to enhance and promote international business communication, which is expected to raise the competetiveness of enterprises on the global marke...

GREEN SKILLS – 1st Newsletter

First issue of newsletter created within the GREEN SKILLS (Connecting People for Green Skills) project is now available. For more information please visit the project website This project is supported by the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity - PROGRESS (2007-2013). This programme is implemented by the Europ...

PRINT STEM project – meeting in Kirkby-Stephen

Consortium of partners in PRINT STEM project came to the North of England, to Kirkby-Stephen to participate in the 1st partner meeting. The meeting was held on 20 and 21 of April, 2015. The meeting started with a welcome speech given by the Head of Kirkby-Stephen Grammar School followed by a short review of the kick-off meeting report presented by Forma Futuro.Then, the part...

BADGE: Pilot Workshops

The second run of Diversity in Business workshops took place on 20 May in Danmar Computers training centre, in Poland. The workshops selected for the recruited participants were: How to manage the move from employment to self-employment and How to set up a business after redundancy. Both workshops were conducted in one day, in the morning and in the afternoon. The participants ...

GOLIC – The report of the activities in Bulgaria during May 2015.

In the beginning of May 2015 in Mallorca (Spain) was held the second partners meeting in the frame of GOLIC Guide project. Three representatives of Know and Can Association attended the event. All the partners presented and discussed the result of the research conducted in their countries. The future project activities were planned and the distribution of tasks as well. After ...

Distribution of income among women entrepreneurs – BADGE

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During a survey, which was designed to provide a deeper analysis of issues addressed by the BADGE project (Business Advice and Guidance training for women Entrepreneurs. Project funded by the European Commission, as a part of Leonardo da Vinci - Transfer of Innovation programme), 150 respondents were asked about their income. The group included both women entrepreneurs (53 resp...

Green Skills – The second partnership meeting in Warsaw

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On 8th and 9th April 2015 the second partnership meeting of Green Skills project took place in Warsaw. Host institution was the "Polish Association of Construction Industry Employers (PZPB)". The main objective of the meeting was the presentation and discussion about the project results, which were conducted in five countries which are a basis for further work in the projec...

Newsletter 5 – MEDILINGUA

Prezentujemy piąty już numer biuletynu opracowanego w ramach projektu MEDILINGUA - Rozwój umiejętności zawodowych w zakresie znajomości języków obcych ratowników medycznych.   (more…)