LTTA Training within 3DP project

The "Trainers training in 3D printing" Short term joint staff training, have been hosted in Malta by MECB, from 22th to 26th of January, 2018. 21 representatives of 3DP project partners from Romania, Malta, Poland, Lithuania, Spain and Italy were present. This Learning/Teaching/Training Activity (LTTA) is very important for the achievement of the project objectives because pro...

3rd partnership meeting in BOSSS4ME project

On the 19th of December 2017, partners in the BOSS4SME project travelled to Italy for the third partnership meeting. The one day meeting was hosted by partner Eurocrea Merchant Srl in Milan. The meeting concerned two areas of discussion: technical work and project management. In terms of technical work, partners dwelled on the technical workplan for preparing e-commerce str...

The first partnership meeting in the SOFIA project

On 14th – 15th December 2017, took place the the first partnership meeting of SOFIA project - Strategies to strenghten executive functions in adults. The partners met in Rzeszow (Poland) at the headquarters of Danmar Computers. The meeting focused on the choice of a cooperation platform and project management. The partners chose the Admin Project system. The most important inte...

The third Partners’ meeting within I-Pool project

In the middle of December, I-Pool project Partners’ met in Madrid on the third meeting to discuss the state of the project activities. During the meeting, all partners discussed in details the programming process of Interactive Pool (database with tools) and the conception of tools users’ Guide. The subject of testing and evaluation of the prepared database by stakeholders was ...

First partnership meeting in the ENGAGE project

The first meeting within the ENGAGE project (ENhancinG Adults key competences to promote and encode effective cooperation between Education and labor market) took place in the capital of Cyprus - Nicosia - on the 7th and 8th of December 2017. The meeting, hosted by the Cypriot company M.K. INNOVATIONS, was attended by all project partners from Romania, Greece, Portugal, Italy a...

Kick-off meeting within BOOST4Shoes project

On 30th November 2017 in Edinburgh, Scotland the first meeting within the project BOOST4Shoes (Boosting Online crOss-border sales of Shoes Through e-Commerce coaching for SMEs from the shoe industry), was held. The meeting was hosted by CIVIC Computing, which is also the project coordinator.   BOOST4Shoes will develop the European Footwear Sector through development ...

3rd Partner meeting within S.P.R.E.A.D. project

On 4th and 5th December, partners in the SPREAD project met in Lizbona (Portugal) at Euroyouth’s office. The third partnership meeting was devoted to the evaluation of held joint staff events, LTTAs, and the discussion of undergoing activities on the guide of good practices. There was also time to speak about the project website and related dissemination activities. Partners...

3rd meeting in the TBP project

Another partnership meeting as part of the Innovative Integrated Training in Healing Plants Business - TBP project was held in Valencia (Spain) between November 30th and December 01st 2017. On the first day of the meeting, summarized were completed tasks within project outputs, including the Interactive online platform Total Business Plants, Total Business Plants training...

START IN – project kick-off meeting.

On 21st November 2017, partners of START IN – project concerning social entrepreneurship, met for the first time in Valladolid (Spain). The meeting was hosted by INFODEF, a private and independent center for Research, Development and Innovation. During two days of the meeting, partners not only managed to better understand the idea of the project, but also to agree on the shape...

Newsletter #6 in e-CAL project

Feel invited to read the sixth newsletter prepared in e-CAL project. Here you will download the material: NEWSLETTER It informs on the recent international partnership meeting and on the e-CAL platform piloting. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be...