Dreamy m-learning – 3rd project meeting

On 13th and 14th of September the 3rd  Dreamy m-learning project meeting was held in Piraeus. During the meeting, project partners discussed about the current progress in the project. The main aim of the meeting was to present final versions of modules for the mobile and web application. Partners also discussed about the dissemination, budget and action plan for the neare...

SAFE – 3rd project newsletter

We invite you to read newsletter of SAFE project . The main aim of the project is to increase the quality of adult education by using mobile applications in adult education more effectively and efficiently. Download newsletter This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Comm...

NEO-COL project – 3rd Newsletter

We publish the third newsletter in the NEO-COL project, where you may find among others information about project outputs and news from project implementation activities. We invite you to reading. Download the newsletter All newsletters are available on the project website: neo-col.eu/pl/newsletters/ Find out more about the project at neo-col.eu This project h...

Launching a new project: BOOST4youth

The kick-off meeting of this project was held in Nicosia, Cyprus on 11th September 2018, hosted by Emphasys Centre. Representatives from all 6 partner organisations attended the meeting to plan the activities for the coming months of the project. During the kick-off meeting, the main objectives and outputs of the project were analysed and tasks and roles were assigned. With ...

I-POOL – The fourth issue od I-POOL newsletter is available

We present the 4th issue of newsletter prepared within the I-POOL project. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

VALITS – 3rd press release

We invite you to read the third press release developed under the VALITS project. Download press release If you are interested in the subject of the project, we encourage you to share this content on your social media and on your websites. Thank you!   This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the v...

BOOST4Shoes project newsletter

BOOST4Shoes project newsletter BOOST4Shoes targets SMEs from the footwear industry. The project directly addresses professionals dealing with management and sales in footwear SMEs. In addition, it targets Vocational Education Training (VET) providers, Associations, other shoe industry representative bodies, Information and Technology companies, e-Commerce/Digital marketing...

eduDrone project – Newsletter no.2

Check what is going on in eduDrone – Erasmus+ project, concerned with new technologies, like drones and other Industry 4.0 related technologies, that will most probably have a huge impact on EU job market and our everyday lives. To read about project partners activities, and learn on already developed results click Dowload To be up to date with the project visit edudrone...

SEAMAP project press release

The material we want to share with you is about an interesting project entitled SEAMAP (full name: Searching the Extensive Application at Maritime Protocol). Within the press release you will find out about the employment obstacles in the maritime industry and how our project is addressing the sector. Find out about the objectives, aim, project partners and project manage...

Final meeting within FFS project

The last meeting within FFS project took place in Lisbon, on 17th-18th of July. IPR was the host of the meeting. All project partners were present. Project is focused on food production issues, including in particular flour products. On the first day, Partners attended at the study visit in two educational institutions and have short transnational meeting during which they d...