On October 6th took place the first meeting in a new project: FEMENIN – Financial and Economic literacy of Migrant women for ENtrepreneurship Inclusion.
The meeting was an opportunity for Partners to get to know each other, some which met for the first time. The host was INFODEF, the Spanish Partner, at Valladolid (Spain).
Among key topics of discussion were managerial aspects and planning works on the first output to be developed, namely the curriculum. With the completion of this output, distributed will be specific learning units, to be developed by Partners next year.
The aim of FEMENIN is to support adult education teachers and trainers to provide high quality learning opportunities in Financial and Economic literacy to migrant women, tailored to their needs and specifically designed to support their social and labour Inclusion through Entrepreneurship. The project will develop innovative OER and ICT-based methods and tools to improve the adult educator´s competences in teaching Financial and Economic literacy, numeracy and digital competences to migrant women.