Project description
Food manufacturing sector is the biggest sector in the world which continue to grow with each passing day to ensure the supply-demand balance and this sector requires quality, a young dynamic employees. But according the research the young workers who worked in this sector did not have any professional qualification and they learned their job with the master-apprentice method. Therefore there was a need to train these employees/young unemployed who wanted to work in this sector through innovative, accessible methods and tools in the age of information.
The FFS Project was focused on developing through BIT based innovative distance learning the skills of young employees who were / wanted to work in the production sector in order to ensure safety in floury foods which was the cheapest and common food culture of Europe that could be found in easiest way.
The activities towards meeting the needs of the sector and the youth, theory and practice being intermingled, supported work-based learning by undergoing training.
Innovative learning techniques required by the digital era supported usage of BIT tools by the youth for learning purposes. The Project activities were coherent with the sectoral and horizontal priorities of the EU 2020 Strategy, 2030 Food Strategy and the European Food Safety Authority EFSA determined as developing knowledge skills, increasing the employment, encouraging BIT based learning and increasing the quality in youth works.
Project website:
OZ GIDA IS SENDİKASI – Ankara, Turkey (coordinator)
Danmar Computers – Rzeszów, Poland
Uluslararasi Hayat Boyu Ogrenme Dernegi – Ankara, Turkey
Instituto Formazione Operatori Aziendali – Reggio nell’Emilia, Italy
University of Maribor – Maribor, Slovenia
Assipan Sicilia – Vittoria, Italy
The Innovation And Development Institute Principe Real – Miranda do Douro, Portugal

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