Project description
The staff of VET organizations, Institutes and SMEs expressed a strong willingness to further develop transnational cooperation activities and improve their knowledge, competences and capacities in implementing and managing European mobility projects. They wanted to be aware of, adopt and apply successful methodologies and tools already experimented at European level by expert organizations in the field.
The project SPREAD aimed at promoting internationalization and transnational mobility in VET Institutes and organizations. Its main objectives were to upgrade the competences and skills of the staff on specific and relevant issues related to mobility; develop and reinforce European networks; increase the capacity of VET organizations to operate transnationally; and to promote work-based learning through mobility projects.
The project foresaw the realization of six joint staff trainings events aimed at sharing and confronting tools, good practices and methodologies related to the implementation and management of European mobility projects among organizations operating in the VET field. Each training event was hosted by the project partner that had strong expertise in the following topics: Competences of tutors and mentors; Intercultural issues in transnational projects; ECVET methodology and the validation and recognition of competences; ITCs tools for the implementation and management of European projects (Danmar Computers); Quality in mobility projects; Dissemination and exploitation of results. After each staff training event, each project partner organised, in its own country, a local seminar aimed at spreading the knowledge acquired.
At the end of the project, a guide of good practices for the implementation of European mobility projects was produced by the partnership and uploaded on the project’s website.
Project website:
Essenia UETP s.r.l. – Salerno, Italy (Coordinator)
Danmar Computers LLC – Rzeszów, Poland
EUROYOUTH Portugal – Lisbon, Portugal
Paragon Europe – Mosta, Malta
Europa Training – Plymouth, United Kingdom
3SRL – Wien, Austria

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