The first meeting of YEP! Project took place in Valencia, location of the coordinator of the project, AJEV. Representatives of all the partners were present: AJEV (coordinator), F&G Consultores, E-Seniors, Materahub, UTH and Danmar Computers.
The meeting started with presentation of all partners, followed by presentation of the proposal and division of work. Internal tools were discussed, like Management Plan, Dissemination and Communication Plan and Quality Plan. Partners were acquainted with the bilateral agreements and rules of the Erasmus+ projects in general.
In the next steps, Intelectual Outputs were presented by responsible partners; IO1 – AJEV, IO2 – Materahub, IO3 – Danmar Computers and IO4 – F&G Consultores.
The partnership agreed to use AdminProject as supporting system for the project management process.
The next session was focused on division of specific tasks, deadlines and steps to be taken in the near future. The dates were also established for the next meeting, it will take place in Paris, February 2017.