The 6th LTTA as part of the SPREAD project took place from the 28th May to the 01st June 2018 in Sliema, Malta. It was organized and hosted by Paragon Europe, the Maltese partner in this project. This is the last LTTA in the series delivered throughout the project.
The training was focused on the Dissemination and Exploitation of Results and how to ensure that project achievements and results are shared with local and European stakeholders.
The topics discussed included: basic concepts of dissemination, communication, exploitation and sustainability; the purpose and importance of dissemination and exploitation; dissemination and communication plan drafting and the important elements of this plan; dissemination, exploitation and communication objectives; dissemination & communication tools & targets; creation of dissemination material using free web-based tools; the use of bulk mailers for promotional purposes; the use of social media for effective dissemination and use of newspaper, radio and TV campaigns.
During the week a number of guest speakers were invited to meet the group and deliver training, which also included a presentation by a representative of the Maltese National Agency, the European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA), who discussed the importance of dissemination from an agency perspective. As part of the activities the participants also visited the Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS), which is active in E+ Mobility (STA and STT).
The partners will meet next in September 2018 in Salerno, Italy for the 4th Management Meeting and the Final Conference of this project.
For more information please visit the project website: