From the 18th to 22nd of June 2018, the LTTA training as part of the eduDrone project took place in Larissa, Greece.
The main goal of the five-day “Training of eduDrone trainers” was the preparation of trainers to supporting their organizations in managing the eduDrone training course. In addition, all the participants will use the skills and knowledge gained during the LTTA to develop better quality project outputs.
During the training, each representative presented a topic connected with the eduDrone project. Presentation topics were as following:
- Introduction to Industry 4.0
- Introduction to Drone Technology
- Technological Entrepreneurship
- Implementation of Industry 4.0 and Drone Technology in VET
- Teaching Industry 4.0 and Drone Technology to VET students
- Teaching Industry 4.0 and Drone Technology based Entrepreneurship
Each presentation was followed by discussions on how to implement the gained knowledge in developing project outputs, and a session of questions and answers.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.