The “Trainers training in 3D printing” Short term joint staff training, have been hosted in Malta by MECB, from 22th to 26th of January, 2018. 21 representatives of 3DP project partners from Romania, Malta, Poland, Lithuania, Spain and Italy were present.
This Learning/Teaching/Training Activity (LTTA) is very important for the achievement of the project objectives because provided the participants with the competences needed to:
- perform the pilot testing of 3DP course
- facilitate the multiplier events (Hands-on workshops in every partner country)
- train other colleagues from their organizations
- teach 3DP course to students, youths and adults
The main objectives of the “Trainers training in 3D printing” LTTA were:
- To test the developed Intellectual Objects (IO)
- To allow partners to experiment, evaluate and optimize the developed IO’s
- To allow partners to interact each other and change ideas regarding IO’s
- To train the persons who will carry out pilot testing and/or facilitate multiplier events.
During the 5 days of traning, each module of the Learning Management System (LMS) was tested through a live presentation made by the responsible partner in front of the other partners. All the partners gave feedback (evaluation, improvement ideas, etc.) while Danmar Computers offered technical training regarding the use of LMS.
The improvements suggested by the partners will be implemented in the following weeks. Then, anyone can enroll at