FEMENIN Meeting in Rzeszow

On Monday, the 23rd of September, Danmar Computers had the pleasure to host the FEMENIN meeting in Rzeszow. This was the third time the FEMENIN Consortium met in the project.

Due to the fact that planned was only a one day meeting, the day was long, but productive. First, the coordinator briefed about their monitoring calls with the National Agency, advising Partners on recommended activities. Secondly, the evaluation leader reviewed with partners collected data on project evaluation and assessment. Thirdly, the training curriculum was revised and a discussion on the course training content was initiated. Next, the multilingual e-learning platform assumptions were presented, followed by some examples of platforms to benchmark – a similar presenting structure was followed for the instructional mobile app work. Final parts of the meeting concerned outlining a work plan for starting the guide for validation.

The next meeting in the FEMENIN project will take place in Dublin in the middle of next year.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.