PECOS4SMEs – newsletter

Jest już dostępny nowy numer newslettera PECOS4SMEs poruszający tematykę międzynarodowego e-commerce.    Ten projekt został zrealizowany przy wsparciu finansowym Komisji Europejskiej. Projekt lub publikacja odzwierciedlają jedynie stanowisko ich autora i Komisja Europejska nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za umieszczoną w nich zawartość merytoryczną.

Green Skills – first partners meeting in Spain

With the beginning of December, a kick-off meeting in the Green Skills (Connecting People for Green Skills) project that gathers representatives of countries like Poland, Cyprus, Spain and Denmark took place. The project will address the usage of new technologies in the construction sector. Within this project, a specialised training will be prepared, presenting the rules and a...

EPIC – meeting in Lithuania

EPIC Logo vector
In the middle of October this year, a fourth partnership meeting in the EPIC project took place in Kaunas, Lithuania. Partners reviewed the work undertaken so far in the project and scheduled other tasks for the following months. One of the most important aspects was to decide on the shape and functionality of the electronic tools that the auditors would be equipped with. These...

BADGE – second workshop

The pilot of the second Diversity in Business Workshops, "How to increase self-confidence and self-belief for starting up in business?" took place on November 20th, in Danmar Computers. The participants qualified for the workshops were women facing multiple disadvantages on and out of job market.During the workshops, they could try out tools prepared within BADGE's framework an...

KEYCOACH – meeting in Portugal

The third meeting of KEYCOACH partners was held in Almada, Portugal on 3-5 November 2014. Participants represented partners from Belgium, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain.During the first day of the meeting, partners reviewed and discussed the evaluation reports which was followed by agreement on the improvement of communication between partners. Then, the subject...

BADGE – first workshops

On November 17th, in Danmar Computers, we hosted the first pilot of the Diversity in Business Workshops, developed for project BADGE, entitled "How to understand if I am suited to working for myself?". The participants were women, who have difficulty in finding a place for themselves in the job market. The aim of the workshop was to develop oneself and find the answer to the qu...

EPIC – intensive training of auditors has been successful!

10 daredevils, 2 long days and a lot of knowledge and practice - this is a short training for LCA (Language Communication Audit) auditors. The training took place in Rzeszów on 18 and 19 November, at our office on Hoffmanowej 19 in Rzeszow.Who?Not everyone. Those who took part in the training have been carefully selected. The key were language skills of candidates, fluency in a...

MEDILINGUA – newsletter #3

Third issue of our newsletter created within the MEDILINGUA project is now available.For more information please visit the project website Find us on social media -, project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the vie...

“Erasmus+” dla początkujących!

Szkolenie ze skutecznego aplikowania o środki unijne. Dla kogo jest to szkolenie? jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się jak łączyć naukę z wyjazdami; jeśli chcesz wysłać lub przyjąć uczniów w ramach wymiany; jeśli preferujesz innowacyjne podeście do edukacji; jeśli szukasz partnera z innego kraju w Unii Europejskiej; jeśli chcesz z sukcesem przygotować i złożyć wniosek aplikacyjny; jeś...

PECOS4SMEs – Handel mobilny rośnie w siłę

Na zachodzie boom na handel mobilny trwa w najlepsze, a w 2014 rozwój mody na mobilne zakupy osiągnął kluczowy punkt. W październiku 2014, serwis aukcyjny Allegro po raz pierwszy ujawnił dane dotyczące mobilnych transakcji1. Nic dziwnego, że giganci świata e-commerce w Polsce wyraźnie koncentrują się na mobilnym segmencie rynku skoro badania wskazują, że obecnie 51 procent zbad...