SPREAD – the first partnership meeting is already behind us!

The first meeting of the SPREAD project partners took place on 12 and 13 December 2016. The project partners from six European countries: Austria, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Italy and the UK met in Rzeszow at our headquarters. The main objective of the SPREAD project is promoting internationalization and transnational mobility in VET Institutes and organizations. Its main objecti...

The third partnership meeting within EntrInno project at 6-7, December 2016 in Sheffield

On 6-7 December 2016, the third partnership meeting within the project ,,EntrInno – Online Game for Entrepreneurship and Innovation” took place in Sheffield, at the location of the project partner Inova Consultancy. Representatives of all the partners were present: CARDET (coordinator), SIF, CSV MARCHE, CDA, KOPIN, Inova Consultancy and Danmar Computers. Partners summed up the ...

CES&L – the partnership meeting in Florence

The next CES&L project partnership meeting took place in Florence (Italy) in the very first days of December. Representatives of 9 institutions discussed in details all the workshops being created within the project. Eventually those workshops will be published both as a guide, and as an online portal (with additional materials) available under languages4work.eu and will be...

3DP – Kick-off meeting in Malta

The kick-off meeting of  Training in 3D Printing To Foster EU Innovation& Creativity (3DP) project took place in Bugibba, Malta. Representatives of almost all partners were present: Ludor Engineering (coordinator), MECB (host), UPB-CAMIS, LIIS, Somorrostro, Godesk, ITI and SLK. Unfortunately, one of the partners, Danmar Computers, could not participate because of an airline...

Staff training within ACE project

“Short-term joint staff training events” is a very comprehensive type of training organised within Erasmus+ projects for the staff involved in the project implementation. From 14 to 18 November, four representatives of Danmar had a unique chance of participating in such a training carried out within project ACE – „Developing Adult Educators’ Competences to Promote Learners’ Lif...

First partners meeting in Volos

Since 1 September 2016, Danmar Computers is a partner in TPB - Innovative Integrated Training in Healing Plants Business project. Coordinator and at the same time host of the first partners meeting, held on 16-17 November 2016, in Volos, Greece, was the University of Thessaly. (more…)

Kick-off meeting within MICE project at 3-4, November 2016 in Rzeszów

On 3-4 November 2016, the Kick-off meeting within the project ,,Multicultural Care in European Intensive Care Units” took place in Rzeszów, at the location of the project coordinator PTPAiIO. Representatives of all the partners were present: Polish Association of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Nurses, Visoka zdravstvena šola v Celju, OSTRAVSKA UNIVERZITA V OSTRAVE, EfCCNa, a...

YEP! – The first meeting in Valencia

The first meeting of YEP! Project took place in Valencia, location of the coordinator of the project, AJEV. Representatives of all the partners were present: AJEV (coordinator), F&G Consultores, E-Seniors, Materahub, UTH and Danmar Computers. The meeting started with presentation of all partners, followed by presentation of the proposal and division of work. Internal tools...

“Do Pracy – Gotowi – Start!” – Targi Pracy WorkExpo

13 października 2016r. w Hali Widowiskowo-Sportowej Podpromie w Rzeszowie odbyły się IX Europejskie Targi Pracy WorkExpo. Na targach upowszechniliśmy informacje o obecnie realizowanym projekcie „Do Pracy – Gotowi – Start! Indywidualna i kompleksowa aktywizacja zawodowa osób młodych do 24 roku życia (NEET)”. Rozdaliśmy osobom zainteresowanym ulotki informacyjne dotyczące projekt...

i-DIGital Stories – Meeting in La Spezia

Partners from the i-DIGital Stories met on 7th and 8th of October in La Spezia (Italy) on another management meeting. Apart from summarising the progress of work, people attending the meeting were engaged in creating a DST (Digital Story Telling) toolkit. For the purpose of this task, partners used their knowledge gained during the realisation of DST workshops in their countri...