Kick–off meeting within project CRAFTS 3.0

On 23rd and 24th of November, in beautiful Spanish city of Valladolid, the consortium of CRAFTS 3.0 met for the first time to officially start the project. The project will prepare handicraft teachers and trainers in EU to adapt their teaching practice to the next generation of high tech digital tools and cutting edge machinery, like 3D printers or laser cutting. Due to the pla...

5th TRUSTvGLP partner meeting

The 5th partnership meeting in the TRUSTvGLP project was held 17-18 November 2017 in Timisoara, Romania. During the meeting, a fragment of the game constructed by Danmar Computers was presented. Partners made comments and suggested improvements for the game so to make it more attractive for pupils and students from secondary schools. There was also time for presenting the...

VALITS project – meeting of partners

The third partner meeting in the VALITS project was held 13-14 November 2017 in Rzeszow. The host organization, Danmar Computers, organized a two-day agenda for representatives of all partner organizations to attend. The first day consisted of reviewing each partners’ progress on desk research and prepared testing on skills. Danmar Computers also devoted some time to explain...

3rd partner meeting in the Teach-D project

Danmar Computers was the host of the 3rd partner meeting within the Teach-D project. Representatives from all partner organizations visited Rzeszow for the two-day meeting 13-14 November 2017. The first day began with a discussion on project management and communication between partners. Yet, the main objective of this meeting was to dwell on intellectual output number one. ...

Kick- meeting withing eduDrone project.

Partners of eduDrone have finally met in person to launch this innovative project concerning Industry 4.0 and drone technology. The meeting was organized by Ludor Engineering – project’s coordinator, and took place in Technology Park, in Iasi (Romania), on 13th and 14th November. The main aim of the project is to promote Industry 4.0 within EU through supporting entrepreneur...

M-Easy project kicks off

The first meeting of the M-Easy project was held in Rzeszow at Danmar Computer’s office. Representatives from all partner organizations attended the two-day meeting 9-10 November 2017. M-Easy (Improving the Integration of Low-Skilled Adults Through Developing Mathematical Skills and Community Support) aims at supplying ICT-based learning opportunities for re-skilling or up-s...

3rd NEO-COL partner meeting

Danmar Computers hosted the third partner meeting in the NEO-COL project. The meeting was held in Rzeszow, in the company headquarters 9-10 November 2017. Representatives from all partnering organizations attended the meeting. The two days were divided into three sessions and a summary. In the first session partners, one by one, reviewed progress since the previous meeting. ...

Generativity – third partnership meeting

The third Generativity partnership meeting took place on November 8th 2017, at the headquarters of Danmar Computers, in Rzeszów (Poland). The meeting started with the presentation of the interim report by Belgian partner and its assessment by the Belgian National Agency. Next, the implementation of the third result, designed and developed by Danmar Computers, was discussed. In...

Launch of EUROSTART project

On the 9th of November 2017 a new project – EUROSTART – kicked off in Valencia, Spain. The host of this first meeting was the Spanish partner Markeut Skills, who led the meeting together with the project coordinator Dublin Chamber. Partnership in the project includes representatives from companies in Spain, Italy, Hungary, Germany, Ireland and Poland. Representatives from al...

Healthnic project PRESS RELEASE

We invite you read the first press release in the Healthnic project, which informs on the project’s objectives, planned activities and about the first partners’ meeting. To download the file, click the link: download This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission ca...