DARE kick-off meeting

DARE (DisAble the barRiErs) is a new project that was inaugurated on the 9th of April 2019. The meeting was held at the coordinator’s office, i.e. Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. in Dresno, Germany. The purpose of the kick-off meeting was to communicate the objectives of the project and explain the roles of each partner. Representatives from all the partnering organisations at...

Newsletter CIT4VET

Welcome to the first newsletter of the CIT4VET project. This newsletter is aimed to present the main features of the project and to summarize the kick-off meeting. What will this project’s results be? Find out from the newsletter. Download This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author...

FLIMCO project second meeting

Eurospeak Language School was the host of the second transnational partnership meeting in the FLIMCO project. The two-day meeting was held in Southampton (UK) the 3rd and 4th of April, 2019. FLIMCO is the acronym for Financial Literacy in Marginalised Communities. Thus, most of the discussions of the meeting were around the communities (target audience) that the project is a...

Dreamy m-learning – fifth meeting

On the 4th and 5th of April, organized was the fifth Dreamy m-learning transnational project meeting. During the meeting, the participants’ attention was primarily focused on the mobile application and the Handbook. Presented were also the newly designed leaflet and recent newsletter. Administrative and financial issues of the project were then discussed, and the date of the...

FEMENIN project meeting in London

The project coordinator ASPIRE was the host of the second transnational partnership meeting in the FEMENIN project. The two-day meeting was held in London on the 1st and 2nd of April, 2019. Monday, the first day, brought with it a lot of conclusions from partners’ work on the first project result, i.e. training curriculum. Many interesting topics to develop were proposed, ou...

The first newsletter for the Direction 4.0 project

The first newsletter for the project DIRECTION 4.0 – Promation and development of Industry 4.0 related skills was created. And in it about: project goals technological corner information about kick of meeting information about the consortium Interested? Click HERE and find out more. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission....

C&E in HT – second meeting

The second meeting in the C&E in HT project - Promoting the Hospitality and Tourism sectors online, was held in Klaipeda, Lithuania, on March 25th and 26th. During the meeting, the main focus was on IO1. The results of the needs analysis were presented in detail. Participants also talked about the implementation of the already prepared result prototype, it's possible mod...


Website for the project EASIMS: InnovativE trAining Solution for implementing the Integrated Management System (IMS) in SME was created. Visit it by clicking on this LINK. On the website you will find information about the project, partnership, but also about the future results which will be available on the website. We cordially invite you! This project has bee...

Now you can read the first newsletter in BI-NEW project!

This short newsletter includes information about to-be-developed results of the project, about the partnership and about the first meeting in Sofia which officially started the works. Download, read and stay tuned! Download This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Comm...

The fourth newsletter for the M-Easy project was created

For our M-Easy project - Improving the Integration of Low-Skilled Adventures Through Developing Mathematical Skills and Community Support, another newsletter was created. You will find in it: Summary of the last meeting of partners in Vienna; Current information about our progress on the results of the project; Information on what we are currently working on and what...