FAME newsletter – first edition

Introducing to you the first edition of the FAME project newsletter, where we have included a description about the project assumptions, areas of research and a summary from the first transnational meeting. You will also find all our channels allowing to stay tuned in with us! DOWNLOAD A brief on FAME is also available through Damnar’s website: https://danmar-computer...

The second meeting of project REFORM

The second meeting of REFORM project partners was held on June 3-4, 2019, in Pyrgos (Greece). The meeting was attended by partners from all organizations participating in the implementation of this project. The purpose of the meeting was to summarize the consortium's work and plan work for the next six months. During the two-day meeting, discussed also finance topics and ...


Welcome to the first newsletter of the DARE project! Find out about the objectives of our project and the results we are planning to deliver. Get to know the Partners and where the kick-off meeting was held. More information to come soon! Download HERE This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the vie...

The second meeting of the project LOGIN

On May 20-21, the second meeting of the partners of the project „Logistics Technologist – new harmonized qualification to unify, regulate and optimize in an innovative concept the disparate logistics activities from a fabrication system” – LOGIN, took place in Madrid (Spain). The meeting  was hosted by CENTRO ESPAÑOL DE LOGISTICA. The purpose of the meeting was to present th...

FEMENIN Project Newsletter

The FEMENIN project is under implementation and much work has already been done. In this newsletter we have included some basic information, i.e. Consortium members, aims and expected results. You will also find out what led us to focus on migrant women, as the key project target group. Don’t miss out on the online presence links, provided at the end of the newsletter. There ar...

The first newsletter for the Tourism 4 Careers project was created

We encourage you to read the first newsletter for the project „C&E in HT – Promoting the Hospitality and Tourism sectors online”. It was created to introduce the subject of the project and present partners of the consortium. If you are a high school or VET student and you want to find employment in the hotel or tourism industry in the future, be sure to follow our projec...

EUROSTART newsletter #3

We invite you to dig into the third edition of the EUROSTART newsletter. You will find out in detail about the online training, which is under development as the key result of this project, as well as more about project partners: from Budapest and ourselves… Download HERE More information on the project can be found through our web space: https://danmar-computers.com....

HEALTHNIC: final project meeting

The last project meeting took place in Tralee (Ireland) on the 16th and 17th of May 2019. It was hosted by the INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, at their facilities, and was a summary of the project events. The first day was devoted to the presentation of the Toolkit. Meeting participants discussed each section, providing comments and suggestions, as well remarking on the final struc...

Final run of HEALTHNIC project. Newsletter#3

We invite you to download the third issue of the newsletter developed in the HEALTHNIC DIET project. You will find out more about the completed workshops and newly designed Toolkit. We invite you to also watch digital storytelling videos, available via the website: www.healthnic.eu/ Download Newsletter This project has been funded with support from the Euro...

Now you can read the first newsletter in IN_DIGIT!

The newsletter includes information about to-be-developed results of the project, about the partnership and about the meetings that took place in the first moths of realisation. Download, read and stay tuned! Download This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commissio...