Test the BOOST4youth platform!

The BOOST4Shoes project is at its final implementation phase. We invite project beneficiates to test the training platform until 31.07.2020. For this purpose, visit https://boost4youth.eu/en/genie We guarantee free access to the platform. Don’t forget to share your opinion after testing the platform: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeo1zO5k0sWzgLzOCFN1lq...

BRACKET Consortium meets online

Last week the BRACKET fourth transnational project meeting was held online- instead of in Rzeszow - on 26 May 2020. The current epidemiological situation prevented the Consortium from the organisation of a physical meeting. However, the organisation of a virtual meeting was in the end a successful solution. The meeting was held via zoom communication platform, with the atten...

Fourth newsletter for the Stratagame project

The fourth newsletter for the project STRATAGAME: Strategic Partnership for Soft Skills Building through Gamification. was created You can read, among other things, about the status of the game's work and the dissemination events that took place in the project partner countries. The whole newsletter is available HERE This project has been funded with support from the...

The second meeting of DigiEU project partners

 On 28.05.2020 took place online meeting of Digital Garden for European Schools project partners. It was planned to take place in Athens, Greece - unfortunately it did not succeed. During the video conversation, we summarized our previous activities and discussed the next steps. Because of COVID-19, we also had to find solutions for some of the activities within the project....

2nd ACT2IMPACT Project Partners Meeting

On May 27th, the 2nd ACT2IMPACT Project Partners Meeting was held. It was planned to take place in Portugal (in Porto), but for known reasons it took place online. Despite the different form than assumed, the meeting was very fruitful. The partners have discussed the next steps and are looking forward to the next meeting. If you want to learn more about the project, here are...

IN2STEAM project website

We would like to inform you that the IN2STEAM project website is now ready and available in 5 languages: English, Greek, Italian, Portuguese and Polish. Go to: https://in2steam.eu/  and find out more! This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held respo...

WBL Guarantee Newsletter no.3

Dear Reader, you haven’t heard from us in a long time this time. This is because we were busy delivering project results.  From this newsletter you will find out more about our project results and a special focus has been placed on the piloting activities, including testing the MOOC.  You will find out where to access the e-learning available in English, Spanish and Italian....

Discover project Retail

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Press release: STEMKIT4Schools

Find out more about the context of the project, works completed and works in progress. But is also more information that you will find in the attached press release. The project is under continuous development, regardless of the epidemiological situation, since there are works that we are manging to continue. More updates on the project are also available through Faceb...

DigiCulTS – 1st Newsletter

Introducing to you the first edition of the DigiCulTS project newsletter, where we have included basic information about the project! You will also find all our channels allowing to stay tuned in with us! DOWNLOAD This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot b...