WOMEN GET READY: Third e-brief

We invite you to the publication of the third e-brief prepared in the WOMEN GET READY PROJECT. Find out about the piloting of the results and the project results you can use & share with your peers, friends and community. DOWNLOAD e-brief 3

On-good – Newsletter #3

Take a look at the latest newsletter in the On-good project. DOWNLOAD This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

🌱📢 Introducing the DISCERN project flyer! 📢🌱

The DISCERN project is an innovative initiative that will help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the European Union to succeed in the circular economy. 🌍 What is the circular economy? It is a model in which raw materials are used sustainably by extending the life cycle of products, repairing, processing and reusing them. 🚀 What does the DISCERN project provide?...

Newsletter #3 ESDGs!

We present the third Newsletter of ESDGs! project. Have a look and find out about work in progress! The material is available to download here. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contain...

We invite you to read the press release created for the project EnviroVET.

Learn more about the project, 1-year check-in and further activities. You can always learn more about the project on the project website. DOWNLOAD This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the informati...

VOICES project e-brief no. 3

VOICES is a European (Erasmus+) project that aims to help bridging the gender divide and foster women's participation in society, by providing women and professionals working with them with a set of gender-responsive educational resources, specifically designed to promote gender equality and equal participation in society. In order to make it easier and simpler to share info...

We encourage you to read the newest article from AidKit project.

Aid Kit’s aim is to teach trainers how to create motivating digital distance courses for adult learners, specifically vulnerable groups, in non-formal learning programs. Thus, the top priority of Aid Kit is to upskill and improve the competencies of educators and adult educators staff by teaching them more attractive teaching methods to produce high-quality non-formal online ad...

Distance Educator TPM

Distance Educator’s transnational project meeting took place in Rzeszow, Poland. The partners had to opportunity to meet again, after the last TPM, discuss on the progress of the project. During meeting, a number of important issues related to the project were discussed. All partners had the opportunity to exchange information about their work on the project, share ideas ...

Oferta pracy – asystent projektów międzynarodowych

Opis stanowiska: codzienna koordynacja projektów i komunikacja w języku angielskim w międzynarodowym partnerstwie; zespołowa i indywidualna realizacja zadań w projektach międzynarodowych programu Erasmus Plus i podobnych; tłumaczenie dokumentów projektowych, treści edukacyjnych i tekstów informacyjnych; prowadzenie działań informacyjnych i promocyjnych; raporto...

Read the article about SELSMINE project

It is a pleasure to present the launch of the SELsMINE project, a two-year initiative within the Erasmus+ program that aims to improve the social-emotional learning (SEL) skills of high school students through a collaborative gaming environment in Minecraft. DOWNLOAD This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the ...