Comp-Up: Work in Progress

All the partners are now working on the fourth result of the project – the COMP-UP Motivation Toolkit. This will be a practical resource which aims to provide Motivation workshop to low-qualified adult learners. This tool will definitely increase the motivation of low-qualified adult learners to take part in education and improve their literacy. Motivation is the first step to ...

Curriculum available in the national languages of the partners

The curriculum for VET providers developed in the project SAVE - Stimulating And Validating digital Entrepreneurship as the best way to increasing the quality of start-ups is now available in the national languages of the project partners! The programme is available in languages: Polish; Lithuanian; Spanish; Greek; Portuguese, and Slovak Visit our webs...

DigiEU – update

We are excited to announce that all the partners of DigiEU project are now working hard on the final version of the training material (first intellectual output), which is being translated into Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Italian and Greek language. We are looking forward to the final – TRANSLATED - version and hope to share with you some more information soon! This...

BRACKET newsletter no.6

Find out more about our accomplishments in the BRACKET project and highlights Final Conferences! The sixth and final issue of the newsletter also includes briefs about the testing activities and e-learning platform. The BRACKET project: Boosting a novel and innovative tRAining approaCh of Key Enabling Technologies finishes as of April 30, 2021. Thank you for your coope...

The second Newsletter IN2STEM

The work in IN2STEAM project is not slowing down. The second Newsletter has just been released. It contains informations about the last transnational partner meeting, which aim was analysing the results obtained from the piloting period of the online training course, developed over the past months as OER version (open educational resource). To know more about this meeting and n...

3 Newsletter ISO

We’d like to present you the third ISO project Newsletter in which you can find some informations about further actions which are in progress in the project. Download This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made...

E-book is now avilable on website

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


This newsletter is an introduction to the B-LAND project. You will find out about the project aim, planned results, recent events, coming events, next steps and project partners. DOWNLOAD B-LAND NEWSLETTER #1 For more information visit: Website Facebook LinkedIn This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication ref...

Go-Digital – online meeting

On 25 March 2021, another informal meeting of the partners of the project Go-Digital - Increasing adult educators' competencies to encourage female employment in the digital sector of the labour market took place. During the meeting the project partners agreed on the next activities and summarised the work done so far. Within the meeting the partnership also discussed and app...


Over the last year, the Shaping Digital Classes Erasmus+ Partnership has been working on creating 3 courses for language teachers to improve their digital skills. Find out more by reading the newsletter! DOWNLOAD THE NEWSLETTER More information is available through our Facebook: This project has b...