New project – CORAL

We present one our new projects that started in September. CORAL (Creating OppoRtunities for Adult Learners through entrepreneurial competences) connects nine partners from different European countries to jointly develop new solutions developing adults’ competences in the field of entrepreneurship and facilitating their activity on the labour market.

The first meeting took place at the end of September at the office of the coordinator – ALFMED, in the city of Perpignan in France. The two-day meeting, lasting from 26 to 27 September, turned out to be an excellent opportunity for representatives of institutions cooperating in the project to share their experience in Erasmus+ projects. Assumptions in respect to the planned project results were also discussed, with the division of roles and tasks per partner. The scope of dissemination and evaluation of the project activities was agreed. In addition, project visual identification was chosen.

The next time the CORAL project partners will meet while the training that will take place next spring in Italy.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.