The NEO-COL ( project is on the right track under the coordination of Turk Loydu (Turkish Lloyd) which has been an accredited institution about the classification and certification in maritime and industrial sectors in Turkey. The project consortium is made up by private companies, public bodies and VET institutions from Turkey, Romania, Spain, Poland and Germany, who all have an extensive experience within the maritime sector.
The project has been implemented with the fund of European Commission under the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme with the support of Turkish National Agency. The questionnaire is being conducted in order to compose a need analysis for the online training module of the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for VET project titled as “Navigational Equipment Oriented Colregs Training – NEO-COL”.
A huge number of training materials on International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (ColRegs) are currently available to teach/learn the theory of the rules. Yet, the constant high number of maritime accidents proves that there is a significant difference between what is taught at colleges/academies and what is actually implemented at sea in real situations by Officers on watch.
The purpose of this questionnaire is to understand the variations in the application of the ColRegs as well as to identify the usefulness of electronic equipment in the ColRegs decision-making process. The questionnaire is targeted at students that have been taught ColRegs and at Navigational Officers serving on various vessels.
The questionnaire consists of 23 questions prepared by the experts and academicians in the project. The results of the questionnaire will be shared with the stakeholders and published in the project web site ( in October 2017. In order to take part in our questionnaire, please visit the project web site: