The Online Training Curriculum aims to promote STE(A)M learning in primary schools: this tool will support teachers and trainers to increase their competences and skills to use STE(A)M educational approach as access points for guiding student inquiry, critical thinking and problem solving among children aged 8-11, especially among young girls.
The Curriculum is composed by 6 module topics:
- Introduction to STE(A)M education & opportunities of STE(A)M, awareness of pedagogical aspects concerning gender disparities that impact on girl’s engagement in scientific subjects;
- Sharing of experiences & best practices addressing gender aspects in science education through innovative practices;
- Cross-sectorial learning approaches to support interdisciplinary collaboration between arts and scientific subjects and increase the motivation and participation of young girls in primary school to pursue STEM fields;
- Designing lessons using STE(A)M principles and integration of learning STE(A)M skills and concepts in classroom practices to primary school age children, applying real-world creative problem solving using interactive content to support critical thinking, creativity, analysis and problem-solving competences;
- Using open resources, technology & innovative design to create motivating & inspiring STE(A)M learning experiences within creative and collaborative learning environments whilst in line with science education standards and arts areas;
- STE(A)M Assessment.
Currently, the content of the modules is prepared in English and partners are in the process of translating this result into national languages. Soon, the materials should be available on the platform in all partner languages.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.