The fourth meeting in the FFS project was held in head office of our firm on 31st January and 1st February 2018. It concerned food production issues, including in particular flour products. On the first day, Partners discussed issues related to the ongoing implementation of the project. They presented the draft version of courses dedicated to the target group (20-29 year olds who are working or interested in working in the sector of flour processing). On the second day, Partners took part in a study visit on Faculty of Management on Rzeszow University of Technology. The scientific presentation entitled “Innovations in protection of public health through quality assurance and safety in the food production sector” was conducted by Dr Eng. Bożydar Ziółkowski. The next point of the meeting was a study visit in the bakery “Na Miodowej – Orłowski Julian, Rak Kazimierz”, where our Guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the production of confectionery. Partners, in addition to a very interesting meeting program, also had the opportunity to taste local dishes, especially those made using flour.