10 daredevils, 2 long days and a lot of knowledge and practice – this is a short training for LCA (Language Communication Audit) auditors. The training took place in Rzeszów on 18 and 19 November, at our office on Hoffmanowej 19 in Rzeszow.
Not everyone. Those who took part in the training have been carefully selected. The key were language skills of candidates, fluency in at least one foreign language was absolutely necessary. Furthermore, proved useful knowledge of cultural diversity, the general knowledge of the world and sensitivity to different traditions and cultural elements that affect the intensification of business relations.
During the training, auditors found out what are the basic steps of LCA. Each of them is able to assess whether the way companies communicate with their foreign clients is correct, whether the selected communication strategy is effective, which communication errors cause a loss of foreign customers, how to customize the website to customers in a specific country, and most importantly, what action to take, that in the future no longer make mistakes in this area.
If you would like your business to operate more effectively in foreign markets, we are able to offer you professional advice and prepare recommendations tailored to the needs of your business. The first audits will start in December.
What exactly is the auditor of the LCA?
We invite you to familiarize yourself with a detailed description on: http://epicforyou.eu/en/about-lca/what-does-an-auditor-do
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.