We have accomplished the second transnational partnership meeting within the Erasmus+ project entitled DARE: DisAble the barRiErs.

The meeting was hosted by KAINOTOMIA & SIA EE in Larissa, Greece, 12-13 September, 2019. Representatives from all partnering in the project organisations travelled for a two-day meeting to discuss the progress of works and plan further project development.

The coordinator was the main leader of the meeting, accompanied by the hosting organisation. The agenda of the meeting was divided into a few parts. First came the summary of what each Partner has done so far in the project. Then came discussions on each of the following project results that Partners are currently working on:

  • DARE Practical Guide for Inclusion
  • DARE Digital Storytelling Handbook of Empowerment
  • Truth and Dare Space

More information on the above can be tracked via our project FB page and website.

The second day was mainly devoted to discussing the DARE LTTA-Short-term joint staff training event, that will be organized in Pisa, Italy, from 11th to 17th of November 2019.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.