Last month, on June 11th 2019, representatives from all the partnering in the project organisations met in Palermo for the second transnational meeting. The venue was held at CESIE’s office.
Meeting participants started with evaluating the works done so far in the project. They spoke about piloting, module creation and feedback collected from their staff. Then came time to dwell on each module separately, thus module leaders spoke about their difficulties in collecting and then writing content, followed by discussion what improvements to introduce. The modules cover the topics of identity, culture awareness, diversity and social debate.
The next part of the meeting was devoted to project coordination and project management, with discussions on reporting documents and evaluation procedures. Afterwards we presented the fundamentals behind the e-platform development, leaving partners with some food for thought. Discussion on the platform will continue while the meeting in Rzeszow.
Final parts of the meeting included remarks on the project toolkit, to be developed at a later stage, dissemination tasks and awareness campaign launch, which will take place at the beginning od 2020.