Project number: #S003 Prosper BSR of Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Implementation period: 01.10.2022 – 30.11.2024
Project description
In February 2022, a war broke out in Europe, resulting in a dynamic, unforeseen wave of refugees. In the Baltic Sea region, Germany and Poland are by far the most affected by the refugee crisis, followed by Lithuania and Latvia, which also have high numbers, given their small populations. Therefore, these four countries were selected for the launch of the project. The project Prosper BSR empowers business support organizations to integrate refugees and immigrants into labor markets, and ensure access to skilled workforce at the same time. Both the integration of refugees into the labor markets and the associated reduction of the shortage of skilled workers is a challenge facing all countries in the Baltic Sea region. Providing effective employment assistance to Ukrainian refugees requires adequate resourcing and tailored policies that take into account the specific demographics and uncertain status of those displaced by the war.
Project Results:
- Network: building a solid network for the integration of refugees into the labor markets
- Capacity building: strengthening institutional capacities in the BSOs by upskilling staff
- App: the creation of an app and further transfer to other Baltic Sea countries
Target groups:
Business support organization, local public authority, NGO.
- Hanse-Parlament e.V. – Germany (Coordinator),
- Danmar Computers – Poland,
- KIG (Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza) – Poland,
- ilniaus Prekybos, Pramonės ir Amatų Rūmai – Lithuania,
- Latvijas Tirdzniecības un Rūpniecības kamera – Latvia.
Project website: Prosper BSR – Interreg Baltic Sea Region (interreg-baltic.eu)