E-Seller – foStering E-retaiL in ruraL EU aReas

E-Seller – foStering E-retaiL in ruraL EU aReas
Project number: 2022-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000085685
Implementation period: 15.10.2022 – 14.10.2024
Assistance program: Erasmus+

Project description

e-SELLER supports employees in retailing small and medium-sized enterprises, especially in rural areas of the EU, to acquire digital skills.
It focuses on providing employees of small and medium-sized enterprises across Europe with the tools that are indispensable for modern sales in the 21st century. Through the use of new technologies, the economy is undergoing a process of digitalization, which requires new skills and competencies of employees, trainers and companies. In recent years, the pandemic in particular has once again clearly demonstrated the relevance of e-retail for all trading companies.
In order to keep up with the times, the project partners will first determine the concrete needs of companies in the partner countries. The results of this survey will be published and used to target the training and education program developed in the project.

Target group

  • Rural VET providers and trainers involved in the retail workforce training
  • Chambers and Associations staff
  • Retail workforce located in rural areas of the EU

Project results

  1. Digital report on e-retail – digital mapping of e-retail needs and challenges
  2. E-Seller training program – that will assist in training the retail workforce located in rural areas of the EU to meet e-retail demands
  3. E-seller platform – will provide a complete training program to VET providers/trainers and, consequently, quality training to the retail workforce located in rural areas of the EU

Project website: https://e-seller.erasmus.site/


WESTDEUTSCHER HANDWERKSKAMMERTAG – Dusseldorf, Germany (coordinator)

Europe Unlimited e.V. – Heinsberg, Germany

Association of Thessalian Enterprises and Industries – Larissa, Greece

KAINOTOMIA – Larisa, Greece

Regionalna Izba Gospodarcza w Katowicach – Katowice, Poland

Danmar Computers – Rzeszów, Poland

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.