Project number: 2023-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000154884
Implementation period: 01.11.2023 – 28.02.2026
Field: Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
Project description
DIGITopen’s goal is to support a more dynamic, committed and professional environment among the Third Sector (TS) entities and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), in order to boost their digital transformation.
DIGITopen aims to develop digital readiness, resilience and capacity by supporting the TS and MSMEs’ staff through open source tools. In doing so, the creation of educational tools for VET providers and the development of a strategy to integrate open source practices into educational paths plays a key role.
The project is expected to provide valuable digital education content and training in digital skills, depending on the context and needs of the learner. A trusted digital education ecosystem – which requires high-quality content, user-friendly tools, value-adding services, and secure platforms that maintain privacy and uphold ethical standards – will be created.
DIGITopen project results
- Production of a Toolkit addressed to Third sector organizations and MSMEs.
- Development of an open-source MOOC for a self-paced learning experience.
- Development of a self-assessment tool (SAT) for the analysis of an organization’s digital readiness and areas for improvement.
DIGITopen partners
Chambre de Commerce Italienne pour la France de Marseille – France (Project coordinator)
BASE3 Società Cooperativa – Italy
Cámara de Comercio Italiana – Barcelona – Spain
FOAAL Consulting UÜ – Estonia
Danmar Computers – Poland (it is us)
VISIT THE PROJECT WEBSITE: https://digitopen.eu/