ACCESS – Acquisition of Circular Behaviour in Elementary Schools

ACCESS – Acquisition of Circular Behaviour in Elementary Schools
Project number: 2022-1-CZ01-KA220-SCH-000088191
Implementation period: 01.11.2022 – 31.10.2024
Assistance program: Erasmus+

Project description

Education is critical to shaping how we meet the challenges of climate change.
Responding to climate change today requires two things:
– Reducing emissions and stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere (what we call climate change)- /mitigation/;
– Adapting to the current and projected climate /adaptation/.
To do this, we need a range of tools – policy regulations, economic incentives and technology – but these will only be effective if people understand what climate change is and how to combat it. So, we need to change the way people think and act to change the mindset, not the climate, and education is essential to make the radical change needed.

The main goal of the ACCESS project is to provide guidance to those who want to learn how to integrate climate change and circadian behaviour into formal and informal school curricula.

ACCESS project aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • to develop a micro-training program on teaching circular behaviour;
  • to develop the concept of micro-certification for the assessment of circular behaviour;

to provide a toolkit for teachers in schools;

  • to provide an easily accessible learning environment – a platform – for users – teachers, professionals, students and the public

Target group

  • Teachers, trainers, principals and administrators, curriculum developers and educational planners
  • Students and young people in general

Project results

  • R1: Circular behaviour micro-lessons-: microlearning-based learning to develop circular behaviour
  • R2: Circular behaviour micro-certificate- Micro-certification of the acquisition of circular behaviour
  • R3: Toolkit for teachers- guide to implementation and utilization Circular behaviour micro-lessons and Circular behaviour
  • R4: Circular behaviour training forum- a website with user-friendly features and intended for public access for all outcomes


ProEduca z.s.-  Dobrá Voda u Českých Budějovic, Czech Republic (coordinator)

Archivio della Memoria-Rome, Italy

Danmar Computers- Rzeszów, Poland

European Learning Centre- Ubrique, Spain


LernBar Europa- Lingen (Ems), Germany

Project website: TBA

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.