Level up – PO KL 8.1.1

LEVEL UP – PO KL 8.1.1
LEVEL UP – improving qualifications of ICT sector workers
Project number: WND-POKL.08.01.01-18-721/09
Implementation period: 04.2010 – 12.2011

Project description

The aim of the project was to raise the professional qualifications and skills in the use of modern tools of IT through the organization of training courses for working people. The target group of the project were full-time employed people, or employed on the basis of civil law contracts and residing in the Rzeszow District in one of the following municipalities: Błażowa, Chmielnik, Dynów, Dynów – city, Hyżne, Kamień, Krasne, Lubenia, Świlcza, Trzebownisko, Boguchwała ,Głogów Małopolski, Tyczyn and Sokołów Małopolski.
144 persons took part in the training. Each participant chose one of the three courses, conducted in the dimension of 80 hours: graphic (raster and vector graphis), web designer (html + java) and web designer (php). Training was carried out at two levels. Classes were held in the afternoon and / or on Saturday. Training was partially paid. More information can be found on the project website.

The project was implemented without partners.