WINN – Workouts for innovation leaders
Project number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-079799
Implementation period: 01-10-2020 – 30-09-2022

Project description

WINN project focus on development of specific capacitation program that will prepare SMEs executives to behave innovatively and spread innovation culture across their organisations. It specifically aims at providing high quality learning opportunities for SME executives lacking knowledge, skills, but especially, taking into account the specific target group, the required mindset and behavioral preparation to to face challenges of building innovative organization.

The following results will be created and implemented by the end of the project:

  1. WINN customization methodology (IO1) will focus on diagnosing users week areas and individual barriers in scope of their innovation capacity and underline specific aspects requiring improvements.
  2. WINN Workouts Methodology (IO2) to provide users daily workouts adopted to personalized needs for behavioral and cognitive change regarding individual mindset, behaviours and biases to maximize proinnovative behaviors and beliefs.
  3. WINN Workouts Toolkit (IO3) for supporting practice-based learning will include pool of exercises, cases, motivational stories and short readings to support implementation of the workouts, iconographics, videos etc. for increasing interactivity and impact of the program
  4. WINN Mobile App (IO4) – a tool for integrated delivery of WINN Program to final users. The APP will provide direct access to interactive learning process responding to SMEs needs and will ensure easy delivery to any participant across EU.
  5. WINN lesson learnt report (IO5) will gather partners and stakeholders experience and knowledge, results of WINN piloting phase and lessons learned to produce a comprehensive guide how to effectively support building innovation mindset and behavioral change to foster inclusive innovation culture in SMEs.

Project website: TBA


Coordinator: Asociatia de Dezvoltare Economico-Sociala  – Romania

E&D Knowledge Consulting, LDA – Portugal

Danmar Computers Sp z o.o. – Polska

Instalofi Levante SL – Spain

Universitatea Din Pitesti – Romania

Hanse-Parlament EV – Germany

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.