Project number: 2017-1-IT01-KA202-006161
Implementation period: 1.09.2017-31.08.2020
Assistance program:: Erasmus+
Project description
This project aims to design, develop and validate a series of practical, methodological tools to support the professional development of in-company tutors, operating in SMEs (hosting organization), and job counselors/professionals, operating in the public and private sector (sending organization), and provide efficient performances in WBL contexts, thus enhancing the efficacy and the attractiveness of WBL schemes. In fact, creating opportunities for high-quality WBL lies at the heart of current EU education and training policies. WBL Guarantee follows on the objectives of Europe 2020, ET 2020, Rethinking Education, the Youth Employment Initiative, the Youth Guarantee, as well as the EAfA.
The project also responds to the objectives of the Bruges Communique and the Riga Objectives, notably to promote WBL in all its forms and involve a wide range of stakeholders. Developing WBL is a key policy tool in respect of improving peoples’ employability, especially among young people, since 75% of the population aged 20-64 is employed, thus contributing towards the implementation of the EU2020 strategy. Although, it has proven to be an efficient way of addressing labor market imbalances, WBL needs to be further boosted as not enough people have currently the chance to benefit from this way of learning (COM 2016, 381 final).
Project website: wbl.erasmus.site
Regione Lazio – Roma, Italy
E.RI.FO. – Ente di Ricerca e Formazione – Roma, Italy
Danmar Computers sp. z o.o. – Rzeszów, Poland
Confartigianato Imprese Lazio – Roma, Italy
Instalofi Levante SL.– Valencia, Spain
Federacion Empresarial Metalurgicavalenciana – Valencia, Spain
Andalucia Emprende Fundacion Publica Andaluza – Sevilla, Spain
M.M.C Management Center Limited – Nicosia, Cyprus
Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Nicosia, Cyprus
Cyprus Productivity Centre – Lefkosia, Cyprus
Hochschule der Bundesagentur Fuer Arbeit – Mannheim, Germa